Gifts, grants and legacies
The rent from lettings provides some monies towards maintenance. Unfortunately that income is small and certainly insufficient to fully maintain a building of its size. In 2024 we will have replaced 50% of the original - but rotted - windows with hardwood frames and double glazing. In this particular challenge we record our grateful thanks to Mole Valley District Council who have provided significant grants towards this necessary work.

No endowment came with the gift of this property in 1892. A few commercial lettings at current market rates provide a little income towards maintenance but that is certainly insufficient to fully maintain a building of our size.
The Leatherhead Institute, therefore, relies on gifts, grants and legacies to keep the building in good order and up to date for its many uses by the community.
Please call in and view the building - if you would like to help please contact any Trustee or email us at